The DVCH Code

Be punctual.

Games will begin and end at their scheduled times. Players are expected to be on time and must notify their captains regarding any delays so that they may consult with the other team and the league commissioner about possible resolutions.

Respect fellow players.

Violence and disrespect have no place on the field of play. Emotions run high during competitive games, especially during the playoffs, but it is our responsibility to keep them in check.

Respect staff members.

Players must be respectful towards referees, volunteers, and/or employees and understand that they are simply doing their jobs. This respect is a two-way street as staff members will be expected to treat players with respect as well and understand their concerns.

If there is an issue, rather than airing it out disrespectfully, consult with the league commissioner and/or higher organizational authority to discuss the matter at hand.

Respect the environment.

Most, if not all games will be hosted in facilities or outdoor locations. Players and spectators are expected to clean up after themselves and not damage the fields, courts, and equipment.

Follow game rules.

Players are expected to know the rules as they will be made readily available on each respective league's site. There is no excuse for players trying to bend the rules to suit specific situations. If there is controversy, please see the next point.

Openly communicate.

We encourage open communication to help navigate any problems that may be prevalent. All players and staff members have access to the community hub's email and may approach the organizational authority there or in-person to discuss any issues. These discussions and the parties involved will remain private unless there's an agreement stating otherwise.

If someone wishes to bring up an issue anonymously, a form will be available on the website to do so as well.

Maintain sportsmanship.

Players are expected to be respectful in both winning and losing. Disrespect will not be tolerated based on the outcomes of games and players are expected to shake the opposing team members' hands and congratulate one another for a hard-fought game or otherwise. Community is about coming together and building each others' confidence.

Avoid coarse language.

Emotions run high and at times language cannot be controlled. We ask that you make an attempt to control your language. For adults, it is our responsibility to set a good example for the youth and teach them that there is never a reason to swear.

Be ambassadors.

You're not just a part of a league, you're part of an organization that aims to bring communities together and how you carry yourself both on and off the pitch will reflect on the organization. Members who don't make an attempt to be good representatives will be subject to a ban from any and all activities depending on the severity of their actions.

Such actions include:

  • bad-mouthing fellow members, staff, and organization officials whether in person, behind their backs, or online

  • refusing to follow the rules and regulations of leagues, tournaments, and events - this could be a one time offence or multiple instances which result in a ban

Have fun!

The programs we offer are designed to bring people together to enjoy each other's company and do something fun while doing so. We aim to create a welcoming environment for everyone to build their confidence and provide them with the support they need.